1940‘s – 1950‘s – 1960‘s – 1970‘s – 1980‘s – 1990‘s – 2000‘s – 2010‘s – 2020‘s
Phi Beta Mu members have demonstrated excellence in many ways. One of the primary ways is through the performance of their concert bands. In his dissertation, Dr. Wilbur “Bodie” Hinton chronicled the origins of the Alabama State Band Competition-Festival. The term “competition-festival” as opposed to “contest” emphasized the idea that rather than judging one band against another with a “winner” selected, bands would compete against a musical standard.
Bands were classified by enrollment in the upper four grades of the school. Dr. Hinton addressed the organization of the competition-festival as follows:
“In some states, such as Mississippi and Texas, the bands are judged on concert performance, sight-reading, and marching. At the time the Alabama Competition-Festival was organized, it was decided to include only concert performance and sight-reading. It was the opinion of the band directors that the marching aspect was already strongly emphasized through appearances at parades and football games, and that the quality of playing and the improvement in instrumentation were the items that needed to be addressed.”
Dr. Hinton’s dissertation is available here.
Click the year or the program cover to open a PDF of the printed program.
The initial Alabama State Competition Festival was held in Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama. High school bands were classified as “A”, “B,” “C,” or “D.” All bands within a given classification performed the same required selection and two selections of their choosing.
In his dissertation, Bodie Hinton spoke of this first competition-festival as having 35 bands participate, quite an impressive number for the inaugural event. In the program you see here, a smaller number is represented. Most likely, another page (listing additional Class A bands) had been lost. Thanks to Sally Cowart Brock, daughter of Phi Beta My Hall of Fame member James Cowart, for supplying this program.
No information available
Birmingham’s Municipal Auditorium served as the host for this year’s competition-festival. The quality of the printed program provides a clue as to the importance placed on the event.
The program details the classifications: Class A (enrollment over 750), Class B (enrollment 250-750), Class C (enrollment less than 250), and Class D (junior high and first year high school bands).